Thursday, December 23, 2010

first post?

So i figured i would start documenting what i do from now on as a reference in the future to look back.

Yesterday i went to see some dia sites in the city with michael. The first one we visited was in times square, it was a max neuhaus piece where they play this sound from a subway gate in the middle of times square 24/7. It was so loud, and it was strange when people stood on it for good amounts of time and didn't notice.    We stood there for around 15 minutes and not a single person noticed it. I guess it's because we knew the sound was there or we probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise.
 That makes me wonder, what other things don't people notice? You never notice quirks that people have unless their blaringly obvious, or they've been pointed out to you. What other things go on that i've
never noticed? It's like things that you take for granted. When i look back at my first semester of architecture, sure studio seemed great. And i loved everyone there. But now that it's finally come to an end, and i  know i'm going to be separated from my beloved studio mates, i'm so upset. Sometimes i wonder why i didn't cherish the moments that we did spend together. Now i sound cheesy, but it's true.
When i told my sister about this dia site,  she asked me why? and thats a good question. Why did neuhaus install this piece? I honestly don't know.


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